Types of widgets


There are various widgets in Advanced analytics to suit all your data analysis needs.

Advanced Text

A rich text widget for adding links, images, formatted text, headings, bullet lists, colors, and more. For more information, see Add an Advanced Text widget.

Area Chart

A line chart with filled areas by the color that can be stacked. Best used when displaying absolute or relative values (stacked) over a period of time. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Area Charts.

Area Map

Data points are superimposed on a map by coloring the defined area (country or US state). Best used when displaying data tied to a defined country or US state.

Bar Chart

A visual representation of how a particular value varies between categories of one or two items or how it varies over time. Best used when comparing one or more numeric measurements (values) of one or two items or comparing data over time. Items can be grouped. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Bar Charts.


Lets you create dynamic and rich content in your widgets that can turn your dashboard into an interactive business app. For example, you can create a widget that visualizes an important KPI and displays buttons that, when pressed, activate a webhook that implements a pre-defined action. For more information, see Add a Blox widget.

Box & Whisker Plot

Visually depiction of the distribution, variability, and center of a data set along an axis. Best used when assessing the distribution of numerical data within different sets of values. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Box and Whisker Plots.

Calendar Heatmap

A visualization of when certain actions have been performed on a calendar view. Best used when displaying when certain actions were performed by date.

Column Chart

A visual representation of how a particular value varies between categories of one or two items or how it varies over time. Best used when comparing one or two items that have the same numeric measurement (values) or comparing data over time. Items can be grouped. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Column Charts.

Funnel Chart

Visual depiction of one or more values through the stages of a process. Best used when displaying one or more values that are sequentially dependent, such as stages of a challenge. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Funnel Charts.


One or two numeric values are displayed as a number, gauge, or ticker. Best used when displaying one or two numeric values. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Indicators.

Indicator Card

Lets you create dynamic and informative widgets within your dashboards. This widget offers a wide range of functionalities designed to enhance your data visualization and analysis capabilities. For more information, see Add an Indicator Card widget.

Line Chart

A visual track of numerical data (often over time) across one or more groups or categories. Best used when comparing one (or sometimes two) numerical data points (values) over a particular metric (normally time) for one or more groups or categories. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Line Charts.

Pie Chart

A visual representation of each proportion of different categories or data as a whole. Best used to display proportional data, and/or percentages. For more information, see Creating Widgets: Pie Charts.

Pivot Table

Displays individual data points in a table and allows you to compare multiple rows of data at once. Best used when summarising large amounts of data. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Pivot Table.

Polar Chart

Spatial representation of the numerical value of multiple categories/variables in a radial chart. Best used when assessing multiple categories/variables across one numerical value. For more information, see Creating a Widget - Polar Charts.

Scatter Chart

The relationships between two variables are plotted as a point in 2D space. The size of the point can also be used to denote the size of the value. Best used when displaying the relationship between two values (usually numerical). For more information, see Creating a Widget: Scatter Charts.

Scatter Map

Data points superimposed on a map distinguished by color and/or size tied to a particular location. Best used when displaying data tied to a geographical location such as country, city, state/province, or latitude/longitude. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Scatter Maps.


A visual representation of the relative proportion of different categories comprises the whole across multiple fields. Best used when looking at numerical values across multiple fields. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Sunbursts.


Presents raw and non-aggregated data in columns. Best used when displaying raw data with as many fields and metrics as needed. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Tables.

Table with Aggregation

A table with rows sorted by the lowest granularity across the entire table. Best used when displaying raw data grouped by the lowest level of granularity. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Aggregated Tables.


A multi-dimensional widget that displays hierarchical data in the form of nested rectangles in proportional sizes and colors. Best used when displaying many categories of hierarchical data to understand the contribution of various factors within various segments. For more information, see Creating a Widget: Treemaps.

See also