Add an Advanced Text widget


The Advanced Text widget lets you add rich content to your dashboard widget, such as links, images, formatted text, headings, bullet lists, colors, and more.

Who can do this? By default, Designers.

Add Advanced Text widget

  1. Go to your platform home page.

  2. Select Analytics.

  3. Go to your dashboard or create a new dashboard.

  4. Select +Widget > Advanced Configuration.

  5. Change the widget type from Line Chart to Advanced Text Widget.

  6. Click Apply.

Edit the Advanced Text widget

  1. Click Edit on the Advanced Text widget.

  2. Add and customize any rich content to your widget.

  3. Click Save.

Reference variables within text

One key functionality of the Advanced text is that you can reference variables. For example, if you wanted to show the total number of points, you could select the “Total Number of Ideas” data field and write "There are currently ideas" on your widget. This would then be displayed as "There are currently 25 ideas".

  1. Click the analytics pencil icon Pencil on the Advanced Text widget.

  2. For Values or Categories, click Add and select a data field. e.g. Total Number of Ideas

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Click Edit on the Advanced Text widget.

  5. Write a sentence such as "There are currently ideas".

  6. Click Save.

Once saved, you should see your sentence with the actual value for the data field you added.

See also