There are various roles in the Wazoku Platform to suit everyone's needs.
Primary roles
Admins have full access across the main platform. They can manage the platform site, Co-creation Communities, Idea Spaces, Challenges, and any administrative settings.
Managers can create Challenges and Conversations on the main platform. They can manage content within any Challenges or Conversations they created but do not have full visibility of all platform content.
Full Contributor
Full Contributors can add Ideas, comment, vote, and share content with others. They can view all public content on the main platform, Idea spaces, and Co-creation Communities, but cannot view private content.
Limited Contributor
Limited Contributors can add ideas, comment, vote, and share content with others. They can view all public content on the Idea Space and Co-creation Community they’re invited to, but cannot view private content or the main platform.
Additional roles
Challenge Manager
Challenge Managers can be assigned to specific challenges. They can manage all aspects of the Challenge and access the report builder to run reports for their Challenge, but cannot create a new Challenge.
Challenge Sponsor
Challenge Sponsors can be assigned to specific Challenges. They can view an assigned Challenge, and will receive notifications for Challenges they’re assigned to, but won’t be able to contribute or manage a Challenge.
Conversation Manager
Conversation Managers can be assigned to specific Conversations. They can manage all aspects of the Conversation, but cannot create a new Conversation.
Idea Space Admin
Idea Space Admins can be assigned to specific Idea Spaces and can manage all aspects of the Idea Space.
Idea Space Manager
Idea Space Managers can create Challenges and Conversations on an assigned Idea Space. They can manage content within any Challenges or Conversations they created but do not have full visibility of all platform content.
Co-creation Community Admin
Co-creation Community Admins can be assigned to specific Co-creation Communities and can manage all aspects of the Co-creation Community.
Co-creation Community Manager
Co-creation Community Managers can create Challenges and Conversations in an assigned Co-creation Community. They can manage content within any Challenges or Conversations they created but do not have full visibility of all platform content.
Moderators can be assigned to Challenges and Conversations. They can moderate comments on Challenges, Ideas, and Conversations. This can include removing inappropriate or confidential content and verifying reported comments.
Lead Evaluator
Lead Evaluators can be assigned to one or more evaluation stages in a Challenge. They can evaluate Ideas in the Challenges they’re assigned, add or remove evaluators, and submit a final decision to progress/not progress an Idea.
Evaluators can be assigned to one or more evaluation stages in a Challenge. They can evaluate Ideas in Challenges they’re assigned by completing set evaluation criteria during the evaluation stage.
Team Lead
Team Lead is the user who created the Idea. They can add and remove team members from an Idea team they’re leading.
Designers can create, design, and edit their dashboards in Advanced Analytics. They can also change the ownership of the dashboard if they want to hand it over to another designer.
Viewers are the standard users of your platform or community. They can view and explore dashboards shared with them, but can't make any changes to the dashboard or data.
Organization Profile Admin
Organization Profile Admins can manage the company profile of the company they’re associated with and all the company content.
Organization Member
Organization Members can view the company profile of the company they’re associated with and all the company content.
Idea Manager
Idea Managers can manage all aspects of the Idea they’re assigned, but cannot manage the Challenge of the Idea.
Portal Admin
Portal Admins are full contributors assigned by Site Admins to manage all activities within Portal.
See also