Add an Indicator Card widget


The Indicator Card widget lets you create a dynamic and informative widget within your dashboard. It also offers a wide range of functionalities designed to enhance your data visualization and analysis capabilities.

Who can do this? By default, Designers.

Add Indicator Card widget

  1. Go to your platform home page.

  2. Select Analytics.

  3. Go to your dashboard or create a new dashboard.

  4. Select +Widget > Advanced Configuration.

  5. Change the widget type from Line Chart to Indicator Card.

  6. Add values to your dimensions and measures. e.g. Main KPI, KPIs List

  7. Click Apply.

Customize the Indicator Card widget

The design tab gives you options to tailor the appearance and layout of your dimensions and measures.

  1. On the Design tab, open a measure dropdown. e.g. General, Main KPI Style

  2. Configure the style options to your liking.

  3. Click Apply.

Key features

Main KPI: The Main KPI panel displays a primary Key Performance Indicator (KPI) at the top. You can add one value to this panel to showcase the key metric you want to highlight prominently to your audience.

KPIs List: The KPI List panel allows you to extend your data presentation by including an array of secondary KPIs. You have the flexibility to add any number of values to this panel, enabling you to present multiple data points or performance indicators.

Sparkline Axis: The Sparkline Axis panel introduces dynamic visualizations by enabling the integration of sparkline charts into your widget. By default, the Main KPI serves as the Y-axis (value axis) for these sparkline charts. However, users can interactively select any KPI to become the Y-axis, facilitating a more in-depth exploration of data trends.

Sparkline Break by: For advanced data segmentation and visualization, the Sparkline Break by panel allows you to break down your chart into multiple lines using a specified dimension.

Tooltip Information: This panel supports the inclusion of additional information in tooltips, accommodating both dimensions and measures. To maintain data consistency, ensure that the dimensions added here maintain a one-to-one relationship with existing dimensions in the widget, including those in the Sparkline Axis and Sparkline Break by panels.

Goals- Main KPI: The Goals- Main KPI panel allows you to set performance goals specifically for the Main KPI. Add one measure corresponding to the Main KPI, and you gain access to a 'Trend Icons' menu within the panel item. Within this menu, you can select whether the trend should be displayed as normal or reversed. Normal trends show a green up arrow if the goal value is met or exceeded and a red down arrow if the goal is not met. Reversed trends display a red up arrow for meeting/exceeding the goal and a green down arrow if it falls short.

Goals-KPI List: In this panel, each item corresponds to the goal of a KPI listed in the KPI List panel, maintaining alignment with the order of KPIs in the KPIs List panel. If you have multiple KPIs and wish to exclude trend icons for specific KPIs, you can add a dummy panel with hardcoded values and omit trend icons accordingly, ensuring flexibility in goal tracking for your secondary KPIs. Similar to Goals-Main KPI, it has the option to set the trend as normal or reversed.

See also