Assign an Evaluator

You can assign Lead Evaluators or Evaluators to evaluate all ideas in a particular Challenge or Ideas in a certain category in a Challenge.

Assign an Evaluator to a Challenge

  1. Go to your Challenge.

  2. Click Manage and select Edit Challenge.

  3. On the Workflow tab, go to the Evaluate stage and click Configure.

  4. On the Evaluators tab, under Evaluators are assigned by, select Challenge.

  5. Under Select Evaluators, enter a user's name and select them from the list.

  6. (Optional) Select Lead if you want to make an Evaluator a Lead Evaluator.

  7. Click Update Challenge.

Tip: You can also assign an Evaluator when you create a Challenge.

Assign an Evaluator to a Challenge category

  1. Go to your Challenge.

  2. Click Manage and select Edit Challenge.

  3. On the Workflow tab, go to the Evaluate stage and click Configure.

  4. On the Evaluators tab, under Evaluators are assigned by, select Category.

  5. Under Select Evaluators for each category, click :heavy_plus_sign: Plus next to a category.

  6. Under Select Evaluators, enter a user's name and select them from the list.

  7. (Optional) Select Lead if you want to make an Evaluator a Lead Evaluator.

  8. Click Confirm.

  9. Click Update Challenge.

Assign an Evaluator when progressing an Idea

  1. Go to your Challenge.

  2. Click Manage and select Edit Challenge.

  3. On the Workflow tab, go to the Evaluate stage and click Configure.

  4. On the Evaluators tab, under Evaluators are assigned by, select Ad Hoc.

  5. Click Update Challenge.

  6. Go to an Idea in your Challenge, click Manage and select Progress.

  7. Under Invite Evaluators to evaluate, enter a user's name and select them from the list.

  8. Click Confirm.

Assign an Evaluator to an Idea in the evaluation stage

  1. Go to your Challenge.

  2. Click Manage and select Edit Challenge.

  3. On the Workflow tab, go to the Evaluate stage and click Configure.

  4. On the Evaluators tab, under Evaluators are assigned by, select Ad Hoc.

  5. Click Update Challenge.

  6. Go to an Idea in the evaluation stage of your Challenge.

  7. On the Invite Evaluators tab, under Select Evaluators, enter a user's name and select them from the list.

  8. Click Invite.

See also