Ask Jen for more information about a company

If Jen’s provided you with a list of companies and you’re interested in learning more about one of the companies, you can ask follow-up questions to get specific details.

Who can do this? All members with access to Wazoku Scout. For more information, see Configure Wazoku Scout access permissions.

Example questions

Here are some of the common questions you can ask Jen to learn more about a company:

  • Where is {company_name} based?

  • When was {company_name} founded?

  • How much funding has {company_name} raised?

  • Can you give me the details of the first and fourth companies?

  • What’s the total number of employees that work at {company_name}?

  • How much funding was raised by {company_name}?

  • What technology does {company_name} use?

  • Here's the website {} for a company I’m interested in, what can you tell me about the company?

  • Can you tell me more about {companyA} and {companyB}?

  • What is {company_name}'s Twitter handle?

  • Tell me more about {company_name}.

  • Does {companyA} have more employees than {companyB}?

For example, you could ask “Tell me more about Wazoku.” or “Here's the website for a company I’m interested in, what can you tell me about the company?”

Note: While Jen will do her best to find you as much information as possible, some information might not be available for all the companies.

See also