What is the Wazoku Platform?

The Wazoku Platform is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Idea Management platform that provides organizations with a structured method to capture, evaluate, prioritize, select, and implement ideas to address business problems.

The four key drivers

Innovation Engine

The Wazoku platform is highly configurable, scalable and offers a rich suite of functions that support all your innovation management requirements. Combined with our proven Challenge Driven Innovation® methodology, the Wazoku Platform enables you to discover the right opportunities effectively and efficiently, prioritize and make sure you’re solving the right problem, develop the best solution in the shortest time, and deliver impactful solutions rapidly and consistently.

Data Engine

All your innovation data is in one place, giving you the global view required to manage and sustainably deliver innovation success from Idea to impact. Our best-in-class data visualization and report builders mean that you can harness your innovation information and seamlessly create visuals to export.

Workflow Engine

Everything you need to become a Challenge driven organization from building Challenges for your employees, suppliers, customers, or a wider crowd, through the evaluation, recognition, and development process. We have the workflows and automation to support your scalable, sustainable innovation activity.

Engagement Engine

We know that building engagement is critical for the successful development of any innovation program and so we have made it easy to build impactful content to support your Challenges, notifications, and communications to drive activity. We give you complete control over roles and permissions so that everything is targeted appropriately. All of this functionality takes place within our intelligent Wazoku Platform.

Get started with the Wazoku Platform

New to the Wazoku Platform?

If you’re a new user, you can get started with the basics and set up your account exactly how you want it.

Want to join in on the fun?

Visit the Wazoku website if you want the platform for your company, or take a look at the Wazoku Crowd to become part of the solver community.

Looking to learn more?

Try taking a deep dive into the Knowledge base or watching our how-to videos.