Upload demographics data for your Surveys

If you don’t want to ask your respondents about their demographic data in a survey, you can upload a CSV file and automatically add the demographic data directly to your survey results.

Who can do this? Platform Site Admins.

Upload requirements

Before you upload a CSV file with your demographics data, make sure that it meets the following requirements:

  • Column header: The first column header in your CSV file should be "E-mail Address". You can add other headers after this.

  • Language: Your demographic data needs to be uploaded in the default language for your platform: {default_language}.

  • Headers to questions: If you add additional column headers that don’t match your existing demographic questions, we’ll automatically create new questions based on these headers.

Upload demographics data

  1. Go to your platform home page.

  2. Select Settings > Admin Panel > Demographics > Demographics data.

  3. Under Prepare your CSV file, review the upload requirements.

  4. (Optional) Download and populate the provided CSV template.

  5. Click Choose file.

  6. Locate and double-click the CSV file that you want to upload.

  7. Click Upload.

Now when respondents answer your survey, the demographic data will be automatically associated with their results.

Note: Once you’ve uploaded the demographics data, you’ll need to add a demographics page to your survey and select the “Uploaded demographics data” option when you create a Survey Template.

See also