Wazoku glossary



Active: A Challenge status indicating that a Challenge is no longer accepting Idea submissions but has at least one stage open in the workflow.

Admin: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can manage their organization's platform site, Co-creation Community, Idea Space, Challenges, and any administrative settings.

Advanced Analytics: The easy-to-use, configurable, and powerful analytics suite that’s part of the Wazoku Platform.

Allow List: An allowlist, formerly known as a whitelist, is a list of URLs that organizations want to whitelist to meet security requirements.

Anonymity: This refers to the Anonymity feature where users can publish Ideas anonymously and hide their identity from other users (except Admins).

Anonymous: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. When a user publishes an Idea as an anonymous user, or we have anonymized a user, their details will be hidden and the username will show as ‘Anonymous’.

Approved: The default status for an Idea within a Challenge that has reached the final stage of the Challenge workflow.

Archive: This refers to where archived Ideas are found. When you reject an Idea, you remove it from public view without actually deleting it and add it to the archive. You can still view archived Ideas along with their votes and comments.

Archived: A Challenge status indicating that a Challenge was completed and archived, so it’s no longer shown on the Discover page by default.


Business Model Canvas: A canvas divided into segments that let you assess your Idea against proven milestones or markers and adjust it to maximize the probability of success.


Challenge Agreement: A legal document that outlines a Solver’s rights and responsibilities if they elect to submit a solution in response to a Challenge. The Challenge Agreement specifies if and how IP will be transferred between Solver and Seeker; it may also specify any special rules, such as exclusionary rules for categories of Solvers, that apply to the Challenge.

Challenge Blocks: Interactive graphical blocks you can add to the Challenge Overview tab to increase user engagement.

Challenge Manager: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can manage all aspects of a challenge they're assigned to but cannot create new Challenges. Challenge Managers can also access the Report Builder and run reports for their Challenges.

Challenge Sponsor: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can view an assigned Challenge, and will receive notifications for Challenges they’re assigned to, but won’t be able to manage a Challenge.

Challenge: A well-formed problem statement with an associated workflow that allows an individual or organization to find a structured solution to the problem.

Child Co-creation Community: A dedicated public or private workspace within another Co-creation Community. You can create Challenges and Conversations within this space and collaborate with customers, suppliers, distributors, or partners to solve specific business Challenges.

Child Idea Space: A dedicated public or private workspace within another Idea Space. You can create Challenges and Conversations within this space and collaborate with individuals or teams on Ideas.

Co-creation Community Admin: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can manage all aspects of the Co-creation Community they’re assigned to.

Co-creation Community Manager: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can manage all content within a Co-creation Community, including Challenges and Conversations.

Co-creation Community: A dedicated public or private workspace within the platform for external users. You can create Challenges and Conversations within this space and collaborate with customers, suppliers, distributors, or partners to solve specific business challenges.

Communities: When referring to both Co-Creation Communities and Idea Spaces.

Community Admin: A role term used to describe actions or features that can be completed by both Idea Space Admins and Co-creation Community Admins.

Company Member: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can view the company profile they’re associated with and all the company content.

Company Page: A page within the platform that displays important information about a company, such as the company details, summary, and activity.

Company Profile Admin: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can manage the company profile they’re associated with and all the company content.

Completed: The default status for an Idea in a Challenge that has been implemented and no further action can be taken on the Idea. A Challenge status that indicates a Challenge is no longer accepting Idea submissions, and all the stages within a Challenge are closed.

Concept: The default status for an Idea in a Challenge that has been submitted but has no votes or comments.

Consultation: The default status for an Idea in a Challenge that has received votes or comments.

Contributor: A user who has not created an Idea but has voted, submitted a pairwise vote, commented, granted tokens, submitted an evaluation decision, or submitted evaluation criteria.

Conversation Manager: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can manage all aspects of a Conversation they're assigned to but cannot create new Conversations.

Conversation: A dedicated space to engage with your audience in a discussion around a certain question or topic.

Creator: A user who has submitted at least one Idea or is a member of a team with at least one Idea submission.


Daily Summary: A daily email summary automatically sent to users that have an open task. Includes what’s new on the platform or content the user follows.​

Dashboard: A collection of one or more widgets that visualize the data you've selected. Designers can manage the widgets that make up a dashboard.

Data source: This refers to data models that are pulled into widgets. This may be files or databases located on servers within a local or remote network and web services.

Deny List: A denylist, formerly known as a blacklist, is a list of URLs that organizations want to blacklist to meet security requirements.

Designer: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can create, design, and edit dashboards within Advanced Analytics.

Develop: A Challenge stage that focuses on transforming selected Ideas into actionable plans or projects.

Discover Page: A page within the platform where users can search, filter, and find content.

Discuss: An optional Challenge stage that provides an opportunity for users to engage in discussions and vote on Ideas.

Drill down: An action on a widget that lets you break down selected values into an in-depth view.


Evaluate: A Challenge stage where Evaluators will evaluate Ideas against predefined criteria such as time, cost, potential impact, and monetary impact.

Evaluator: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can evaluate Ideas in Challenges they’re assigned by completing set evaluation criteria during the evaluation stage.


Fields: A component within a dashboard widget that represents the data in your data sources.

Form Builder: A platform feature that lets you create and manage Idea submission and development forms.

Full Contributor: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. Full Contributors can add Ideas, comment, vote, and share content with others. They can view all public content on the main platform, Idea Spaces, and Co-Creation Communities, but cannot view private content.


Gamification: The implementation of game mechanisms on the Wazoku Platform, where users can be rewarded for completing specific actions.

Gather: A Challenge stage where you can capture Idea submissions when users add an Idea.

Groups: A group is a collection of users typically with common characteristics or purpose, and can consist of any number of users.


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Idea Manager: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can manage all aspects of the Idea they’re assigned, but cannot manage the Challenge of the Idea.

Idea Space Admin: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. In an assigned Idea Space they can manage the members, community, Challenges, and Conversations, generate reports, and close the Idea Space.

Idea Space Manager: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can add and manage Challenges and Conversations within an assigned Idea Space.

Idea Space: A dedicated public or private workspace within the platform for internal users. You can create Challenges and Conversations within this space and collaborate with individuals or teams on Ideas.

Idea Teams: A group that can be formed before or after submitting an Idea where team members can collaborate and develop an Idea together.

Idea: An Idea refers to a suggestion or proposal submitted by a user to a specific Challenge.

In Development: The default status for an Idea in a Challenge that is in the development stage.

In Evaluation: The default status for an Idea in a Challenge that is in the evaluation stage.

Insights Surveys: This refers to the Insights Surveys feature where users can create, manage, and publish surveys from the platform.


Jen: This is the name of our AI-enabled innovation assistant, Jen, who helps you search for start-ups and scale-ups. 


Knowledge Base: This refers to Wazoku’s online support portal that contains information about our products and is available for users to self-serve.


Lead Evaluator: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can evaluate ideas in the Challenges they’re assigned, add or remove Evaluators, and submit a final decision to progress/not progress an Idea.

Leaderboard: This refers to the leaderboard displayed on the gamification block that shows points earned for activities on a Challenge and the total points awarded for each action.

Lean Canvas: A business modeling tool that helps deconstruct an Idea into its key and most risky assumptions. It focuses on issues, solutions, key metrics, and competitive benefits.

Limited Contributor: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. Limited Contributors can add Ideas, comment, vote, and share content with others. They can view all public content on the Idea Space and Co-creation Community they’re invited to but cannot view private content or the main platform.

Lurkers: A user who is not a creator or contributor but has viewed at least one Idea or Challenge.


Manager: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. Managers can create Challenges and Conversations on the main platform. They can manage content within assigned Challenges or Conversations they created but do not have full visibility of all platform content.

Moderator: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can moderate comments on Challenges, Ideas, and Conversations. This can include removing inappropriate or confidential content and verifying reported comments.


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On Hold: The default status for an Idea within a Challenge that has been put on hold and is awaiting a decision.

Open: A Challenge status indicating that a Challenge is accepting Idea submissions.


Pairwise: Pairwise is a stage option available when in a Phased Challenge, where users are asked to choose their favorite Idea when shown two Ideas side-by-side.

Parent Idea Space: A dedicated public or private workspace that includes a Child Idea Space. You can create Challenges and Conversations within this space and collaborate with individuals or teams on Ideas.

Pending User: A user who has registered or been invited to the platform but has not yet activated their account.

Pending: A Challenge status indicating that a Challenge has been created and published but is scheduled to open.

Pin: An action that lets you pin important content on the Discover page so you can conveniently access it.

Profile: Your profile includes information about who you are such as your name, job title, education, and timezone.


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Rejected: The default status for an Idea within a Challenge that has been rejected and no further action can be taken on the Idea.


Scout: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can access Wazoku Scout and use Jen to search for companies.

SWOT Canvas: An analysis framework that helps Idea teams discover their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Site Admin: When referring to a user with the admin role who manages an organization’s platform site, Co-creation Community, Idea Space, Challenges, and any administrative settings.

Site Wide: This refers to any feature, setting, or content that is displayed or affects the whole platform site.

Survey: A survey lets you gather feedback and insights from your respondents by giving them questions to answer around specific topics.


Taxonomy: The Taxonomy field is a special field that can be created for you by Wazoku Support and added to the Form Builder. You can have multiple Taxonomy fields for different data sets such as skills hierarchies, and product categories.

Team Lead: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can add and remove team members from an Idea team they’re leading. By default, the Team Lead is the user who created the Idea.

Team Project Room (TPR): A secure online workspace that allows a group of Solvers to collaborate as a team to solve a Wazoku Crowd Challenge. The team’s solution is developed and agreed upon among team members and is submitted as a single proposal by the Team Leader.

Tokens: Tokens are one of the voting systems you can use in a Challenge. Users are given a limited number of tokens that they can allocate or reallocate to their favorite Ideas.


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Viewer: A type of user role in the Wazoku Platform. They can view and explore dashboards shared with them but can't make any changes to the dashboard or data.


Wazoku Scout: Wazoku Scout is an innovation-focused, AI-enabled, marketplace that lets you access a database of the latest tech start-ups. It includes Scouting on Demand, Scouting-as-a-Service, and Wazoku Crowd Scout.

Weekly Digest: A weekly email digest sent to users that includes what’s new on the platform or content the user follows.

Widget: A widget is an element within Advanced Analytics that displays information from data sources on the graphical user interface and provides a specific way for a user to interact with the analytics dashboard.


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