Join the Wazoku Crowd


To join the Wazoku Crowd you’ll need to register for an account or activate your account.

Activate your account

If you’ve been invited to join a platform you will receive an invitation email:

  1. Click on the link in the email that takes you to the platform.

  2. Create a password.

  3. Complete any registration details or profile fields as requested.

  4. You will receive a welcome email once registered.

Register for an account

To register for a Wazoku Crowd Solver account:

  1. Go to the Wazoku Crowd Challenge Center registration page.

  2. Enter your email address. 

  3. Enter and confirm your password.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter any required information for your personal profile.

  6. Click Create Account

  7. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  8. Check your email and enter the code we sent you.

  9. Click Verify code.

If the code is correct, you'll be redirected to the Wazoku Crowd Challenge Center home page and will be asked to accept the Wazoku Crowd Terms of Use.

Register as a company

If you’re an organization looking to leverage the Wazoku Crowd or get involved with open innovation, you can register as a company on Co-creation Communities.

  1. Go to a Co-creation Community login page.

  2. Click Register for a new account.

  3. Select Company.

  4. Enter your company email address, company domain, and a password.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Enter any required information for your personal profile.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Enter any required information about your company.

  9. Click Create Account.

  10. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.

  11. Check your email and enter the code we sent you.

  12. Click Verify code.

You'll be redirected to the Co-creation Community home page if the code is correct.

Tip: If you do not receive the verification email, please check your spam/junk folder for emails sent from