Clone an existing Challenge

Save time and effort when creating a Challenge by cloning an existing Challenge, especially if your Challenges often use similar workflows and the same settings.

Who can do this? Admins and Managers on the platform or within assigned Idea Spaces and Co-creation Communities.

Clone an existing Challenge

Cloning a Challenge will copy the configuration from an existing Challenge into a new Challenge.

  1. Go to your platform home page.

  2. In the navigation bar, click Create and then select Challenge.

  3. In the pop-up window, search for the Challenge you want to clone.

  4. Click Clone Challenge.

(Beta) Enhanced Challenge builder experience 

Follow these steps if you're using the latest version of the Challenge builder with the enhanced experience.

Clone an existing Challenge

Cloning a Challenge will copy the configuration from an existing Challenge into a new Challenge.

  1. Go to your platform home page.

  2. Select Create > Challenge.

  3. Under Clone an existing Challenge, search for the Challenge you want to clone.

  4. Click Clone Challenge.

See also