Add a new Idea

Ideas can be added to Challenges as solutions to a particular problem, suggestions for new products or services, or even just feedback or comments on existing Ideas.

Add a new Idea

  1. Go to a Challenge.

  2. (If required) Accept the Challenge Agreement.

  3. Click Add Idea.

  4. Fill in the required fields on the Idea submission form.

  5. Click Publish.

That's it! You’ve successfully added your Idea to a Challenge.

Tip: If you don't want to publish your Idea yet, you can click Save as Draft instead to come back to it later. Any drafts you save can be found under the My Content tab on your profile. The recommended image size for the Idea card is 218x164. ​

Note: The fields may vary based on the Challenge configuration, but typically you will be asked to provide a title, a description, and any relevant attachments.

See also