Create a recently Submitted Ideas Report

Learn how to create a report on ideas which have been recently submitted to your platform.

To report on ideas which have been recently submitted to your platform, you can set up a scheduled report detailing ideas added within a certain timeframe, for example, the last seven days. 

This allows you to track idea submission over time and ensure that you have a steady stream of ideas entering the top of your funnel. 

The steps below detail how to set up a standard idea submission report which can be run by platform Admins.

Step One: Setting up a report 

  1. Click on the Settings cog and select Reports to open the report builder 
  2. Click ‘Create new report’ and the wizard will appear 
  3. You’ll be building an Idea Data report, so select Idea Data.
  4. To keep things simple for a standard Idea Submission report, we suggest starting with a General Report. Select this from the list and click next 

Step Two: Creating a Filter 

Filters allow you to further define the parameters of your report, specially:

  • The reporting period i.e. ideas submitted in the last 7 days, 14 days, one month… 
  • Which Challenge, Idea Space of Co-Creation Community you’d like ideas for

We recommend starting with a scope filter to report on ideas submitted in the last 7 days for all ideas submitted. You can refine this over time to get reports for specific Challenges and communities. 

To do this scroll to ‘Data to include’ and under ‘AND filters’ 

  • Select the ‘Date’ option from the dropdown ‘Select a filter type’
  • Select ‘Added’ from the dropdown ‘Select what data to filter on’ 
  • Select a filter value ‘Last 7 Days’ 

Filter Name and Description 

To ensure this filter can be used by other administrators, we suggest naming this filter ‘Ideas Submitted in the Last 7 Days’. Use the description field to outline what the filter configuration is in more detail.

To save your filter, click ‘Save filter configuration’ 

Step Three: Data Selection
For a simple view of all ideas submitted, we recommend that the following fields are selected:

  • Idea ID 
  • Idea Name 
  • Challenge 
  • Date Created
  • Idea URL 
  • Number of unique views 
  • Idea Creator Email
  • Creator First Name
  • Creator Last Name
  • Creator Department (if you’ve added this as a profile field) 

Step Four: Name and Description
We suggest naming it Ideas Submitted, indicating the reporting period in the description field, the recipient, and purpose of the report. 

Delivery Settings
By default, the person setting up the report is a recipient, however, users registered on the platform can be added as recipients by typing their name or email and selecting them as they appear. 

Step Five: Scheduling for future delivery
By default, created reports aren’t scheduled for future or recurring deliveries, however, we strongly encourage it by selecting yes > weekly > Friday.

Once you have defined your report, recipient(s), and schedule, you have the option to ‘Save for Later’ which saves the report and generates the set schedule. We recommend ‘Save and Run Now’ to preview the appearance and make needed adjustments.